วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Buddha knows : How to Meditate?

Buddha knows - An interview with Abbot Dhammajayo on Buddhism 
by Monica Øien
“Relaxing at home after taking a shower, 

you can practice meditation by yourself”

Monica :               I would like to use meditation to fill my body and soul with all these nice images, if  it’s possible in my life. Yes, that would be really nice.

Luang Por :          Meditation allows you to gain a universal experience that doesn’t contradict any  other beliefs. It is not about religion. It is merely a know-how that can be achieved together with happiness. This is something extra.

Monica :               Really? Ok, thank you very much. I will do my best to try and follow this world of  meditation. It’s going to be difficult but I respect it a lot. Thank you

Luang Por :          Actually, meditation is not as difficult as your imagine. Let’s try. Can you imagine the  face of your own son?

Monica :               Yes of course.

Luang Por :          Are you sure?

Monica :               Yes I can see it.

Luang Por :          Are you picturing with ease or do you need special effort?

Monica :               No, I have to concentrate but I have been trying to do that before. I cannot  concentrate on two things at the same time. My mind is only on this, and I can imagine the picture.

Luang Por :          Simply feel as if you are at home. Forget all the surroundings. Just concentrate on  the picture in your mind.

Monica:                With my eyes closed?

Luang Por :          It’s up to you.

Monica :               I can see his face yes.

Luang Por :          Is the image clearer than seeing with your physical eyes, or less?

Monica :               Um, it’s less of course.

Luang Por :          About how many per cent?

Monica :               About twenty or something. I don’t know, ten maybe.

Luang Por :          That’s great. If you can picture the face of your son in your mind, it means that you  can practice meditation. Simply change the location. Are you picturing your son at home or somewhere else?

Monica :               Right now I have to concentrate more to visualize it really well. It’s at home, yes.

Luang Por :          So, try picturing your son clearly in your mind.

Monica :               Ok. I can see his nose, eyes and mouth.

Luang Por :          That’s very good!

Monica :               And his hair, and it must be less than twenty because it’s in black and white. Yes…  yes! So am I a good candidate? I can learn meditation?

Luang Por :          Excellent, so you can do it! I’m not sweet-talking you. How long did you picture the  face of your son continuously?

Monica :                Well, I usually don’t do that, so not for long, but it feels good to do it. Can I try to  imagine other things?

Luang Por :          When you are relaxing at home after taking a shower, you can practice meditation  by yourself. You have practiced Yoga before, right? Then you can do it.
For how long would you be able to picture the face of your son? Five minutes, or ten  minutes maybe?

Monica :               I could probably sit for half an hour or maybe longer, I don’t know. It’s hard to tell.  Do you mean I must have the same picture all the time? Well, then it might
be a few minutes I think. I don’t know. I have to try. Can I try tonight and I will tell you tomorrow?

Luang Por :          Let’s continue. Besides your son’s face, what would be the best image that you can  picture with your mind at ease?

Monica :               Oh yes, it’s the house where my parents live in Spain. I can see the beach clearly. It’s  where I read all my books and sleep a lot, and do pilates.

Luang Por :          Very good. Can you imagine it all the time, let’s say for 10 minutes?

Monica :                Yes, I can if I use sound as well…just imagining the sounds and the melodies. I think I  can do that.

Luang Por :          You definitely can do it. Have you ever stood on the beach in front of this house and  watched the sunrise or sunset?

Monica :               Yes, especially sunrise in the morning.

Luang Por :          Suppose that you picture the sunrise on the beach, how long would you be able to  do it relaxed and without losing focus?

Monica :               Well it’s so peaceful so I could probably…I don’t know. Maybe a few minutes or  maybe even for ten minutes.

Luang Por :          Excellent.

Monica :               Meaning that I must not think about anything else, and I must just concentrate on  this image?

Luang Por :          Correct. See, you can do it easily! Now, imagine that you are watching the sunrise on  the beach? Picture only the sun in your mind without the waves. Can you do it?

Monica :               So I must just take away the other things and concentrate on the sun? It’s not very  strong.

Luang Por :          Very good. No sand, no sea, but only the sun, not shining too strong. How come you  told me that meditation was impossible for you?

Monica :               I can. I can picture that!

Luang Por :          This is the very basis of meditation. This time, please ignore the beach and the sea, and visualize only the soothing sun. Then, let’s relocate it from the sky to your abdomen. Don’t do it too seriously.

Monica :               And since the sun is really warm I will feel it as well? Oh, there are some birds.

Luang Por :          Don’t worry about the birds. Let them pass by naturally. Simply imagine yourself on  the sandy beach where you can see the sunrise, then forget everything except the sun. When your mind is focused and relaxed, relocate the sun into your abdomen.

Monica :               Now it’s moving bit by bit, to my tummy.

Luang Por :          Very good. You can do it. But don’t stare or force yourself to see the image. Just  picture it softly in your mind.

Monica :               Ok, to my tummy. I’ve got it now, I have it there.

Luang Por :          Well, have you made it?

Monica :               Yes. I think I have made it.

Luang Por :          You can now see that meditation is not beyond our capability. It’s that simple. This  also reaffirms what I said; that we can meditate all the time either with closed or opened eyes, just as you have done now.

Monica :               I understand.

Luang Por :          Monica tam dai. (Monica can do it.)

Monica :               Monica tam dai.

Luang Por :          A beginner can start from a few minutes to five or ten minutes. And then we  increase the time period further. Simply focus on the sun within.

Monica :               So, will my happiness increase?

Luang Por :          Certainly, if you can meditate daily. After a while, you will be able to do it  effortlessly. This means that you don’t have to actively visualize in your mind, but you can do it automatically. Similar to the way we breathe without any effort.
We can see the image in our abdomen all the time, the mind will be focused, and you will discover true happiness that never happened to you before. It is the kind of happiness that is hard to explain.

Monica :               It’s really a gift. I think I can identify with it.

Luang Por :          Yes, and this is how the monks can sustain their monastic life.
                             It all starts from here.

Monica :               So it’s the sun that is the love that you have?

Luang Por :          Of course, but its universal love and goodwill towards fellow humankind.

Monica :               But it’s the sensation of it. Yes, that’s the most important part.

Luang Por :          Starting from this, if we keep practicing and improving our meditation experience,  we will be able to learn about the pre-disembodiment image.

Monica :               Now I understand one of your principles. You don’t need entertainment or to go out  to exhibitions or concerts because you can make your own happiness.

Luang Por :          Yes, you are correct. One can rely on oneself to be happy. In other words, one will  fall in love with oneself.

Monica :               Without being selfish?

Luang Por :          Right, falling in love with oneself means discovering the source of true happiness  within.

Monica :               Well, now I understand everything, I think. I understand why we search for  happiness all the time, but cannot find it externally. You have to look inside.

Luang Por :          Correct! Happiness from shopping doesn’t last long. Soon, we will forget about it,  and we will seek other happiness. We struggle our whole lives searching for happiness. Material happiness is not worthwhile. The happiness we obtain from it is so small, compared to the abundant sufferings that exist. But meditation requires a minimal effort, and the return of happiness is boundless. Moreover, we can teach a person how to welcome death fearlessly. It’s due to their internal happiness. If one’s mind remains calm and happy, despite the pain and suffering, one can overcome fear totally.

Monica :               But you know when you’re really stressed and you have too much to do, like  organizing the kids, and work and everything, and your mind goes wild. I don’t
know, but if you visualize the sun or the thing that’s personal for you, and you cannot think about two things at the same time, how do you get there so it will
take away the stress? Intellectually, I can understand it. It’s just for me to try and practice it and to see if I can live with it.

Luang Por :          This is just the normal perception of most people. They believe that meditation can  not go hand in hand with their daily lives. This is the case for those who don’t practice earnestly. Let me ask you first if you can breathe, talk, look, and listen while driving a car? You use both hands and feet for driving too, right? How do you do it?

Monica :               Yes, I understand. But I have no pictures and I don’tmeditate.

Luang Por :          Not really, because when you pick up your son, you would have the picture of your  son in your mind.

Monica :               No not necessarily. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t.

Luang Por :          If you can meditate along with your daily activities, your daily life will be filled with  happiness and enhanced with better efficiency.

Monica :               Ok, I will go back to the visualization of the sun and tell you of my experience.

Luang Por :          Tonight, after taking a shower, please try meditating and then take it back home to  Norway.

Monica :               I will. I have already decided to do this again. Even on the plane.

Luang Por :          That’s fantastic! Please also send me your homework when we meet again, from  today until The Light of Peace Ceremony. By the way, do not force yourself too
much while practicing meditation. It’s okay if you cannot visualize anything, but don’t skip a single day without meditation. Also, every hour of your day, take a minute to practice visualization.

Monica :               I have really been looking for something new to fill up my life with. I didn’t plan this,  but it has come to me now. I think it’s worth the effort.

Luang Por :          So, your mission here is not just for an interview, but also to reconnect your life to  what is missing. I believe you can do it and Hallgrim too. This is a good opportunity. Many newcomers have the same idea as you do, that too many errands will prevent them from meditation practice. Indeed, they can do both at the same time automatically. Meditation will become a part of your life, like another organ in your body. However, whenever you feel that you put too much effort into meditation, simply imagine that you are standing on a beach where you can observe the sea and the sun. This will help you to relax and restart with ease. You see, meditation is not hard at all. It is such a simple thing that everyone can put into practice. Thailand is not cold like Norway and you may feel that it is hard to meditate here. But after you return to the cool climate, you will be able to meditate well. Don’t forget to introduce meditation to your parents and your son. Children can do meditation very well and learn faster than an adult like you.

Monica :               Thank you!

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